Elite Athlete Management
Dr Hughes provides a bespoke and holistic assessment of athlete health and performance . . In particular he specialises in motorsports
Hip and Groin Pain
Sacroiliac pain
Sports hernia
Adductor strain
Hamstring tendinopathy
Osteitis pubis
Hip impingement syndrome and labral tears
Trochanter pain syndromes (lateral hip pain)
Stress reaction and fractures
Hip joint arthritis

Knee Pain
Patella and quadriceps tendinopathy
Patellofemoral joint dysfunction
Fat pad impingement
Meniscal injury
Acute ligament damage
Back Pain
Low back disc bulge/sciatica
Facet joint pain
Sacroiliac pain
Thoracic pain
Neck and Cervical pain
Whiplash injury

Foot and Ankle Pain
Achilles tendinopathy
Plantar fascitis
Turf toe
Ankle ligament injuries
Stress fractures
Peroneal tendinopathy
Ankle joint swelling
Ankle impingement syndrome
Shoulder and Elbow Pain
Shoulder impingement
Acromiocalvicular joint pain
Frozen Shoulder
Rotator cuff tears
Shoulder dislocation
Tennis and golfer's elbow

Hamstring tendiopathy
Tennis elbow and golfers elbow
Patella and Quadriceps tendinopathy
Achilles tendinopathy
Plantar fascitiis
Shoulder impingement (calcific tendinopathy)